FDI highlights sustainable dental practices on world environment day for a green future.
After the huge success of FDI’s Sustainability in Dentistry initiative over the past two years, FDI stated that they were proud to host a virtual summit on sustainable dental practices on the 5th June 2023 (world environment day). The summit’s purpose is to...
Intraoral Cameras
Many cutting-edge technologies are being created to help clinicians and providers of oral health care deliver care more efficiently. These creative methods typically don't require invasive procedures and are simple to use, and they have numerous other advantages for...
3D Printing
Dental treatments are being revolutionised by a number of technical advances in 2023, enabling them to be more effective, precise, and minimally invasive. One of the foremost important innovative progressions in dentistry in the last decade has been 3D printing. The...
Association between Malnutrition and Dental Caries in Iraqi Kurdish Children
Dental caries is one of the most common diseases in the world, affecting billions of people and having a significant impact on quality of life. With numerous direct and indirect risk factors, primarily genetic and environmental, tooth decay is a complex condition. To...
FDI launched a new interactive tool for Partially Dentate Patients
In order to enable patients and assist them prepare for their dental consultations, FDI launched a new interactive tool as part of its Partially Dentate Patients project. Because although there is a global increase in the willing of natural tooth retention and...
2023 House of Delegates Updates Clinical Practice Guidelines
The American Association of Orthodontists provides Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) as a comprehensive overview of the orthodontic clinical process from the diagnosis to the completion of treatment. The Guidelines are reviewed every two years to keep up with the...
Zirconia crowns in 2023
For many years, porcelain-fused-to-metal (or full-gold) dental crowns have been the norm. Zirconia is one of the superior non-metal replacements that technology is finally discovering. Among the current all-ceramic crowns used in restorative dentistry, zirconia-based...
A step forward to Navigated surgery
Because navigated surgery can increase the predictability, safety, and success rates of these procedures, it is becoming a great area of interest in implant dentistry and other surgical procedures. It can lead to better surgical outcomes, shorter procedure times, and...
Dentists and physicians can collaborate to encourage cardiovascular disease prevention and emphasize the oral-systemic connection
As the most prevalent chronic inflammatory non-communicable disease (NCD) affecting people, periodontitis poses a serious threat to public health. Globally, 1.1 billion cases of severe periodontitis were reported in 2019, and the age-standardized prevalence rate of...