Association between Malnutrition and Dental Caries in Iraqi Kurdish Children
Dental caries is one of the most common diseases in the world, affecting billions of people and having a significant impact on quality of life. With numerous direct and indirect risk factors, primarily genetic and environmental, tooth decay is a complex condition. To comprehend how hereditary and environmental risk factors affect dental caries, it is necessary to identify modifiable risk factors that could serve as the subject of effective intervention.
On the other hand, malnutrition, which has an impact on children’s growth, development, health, and general well-being, is one of the most significant health issues facing the world today.
Mahmood and his colleagues in their recent study among Iraqi Kurdish Children (total of 333 randomly selected children aged 6–12 years) have found that having a normal BMI increases the chances of children having a lower caries index.
Thus, according to the results of this research and other clinical studies from other countries too, dentists should be able to identify children with low BMI and refer them for proper care. Additionally, they should educate parents about the importance of appropriate and healthy nutrition for their children’s oral and overall health.
Mahmood, M.K.; Lan, R.; Tassery, H.; Tardivo, D. Association between Malnutrition and Dental Caries in Iraqi Kurdish Children. Dent.J.2023,11,141. https:// doi.org/10.3390/dj11060141